Thought for the day

Understanding the life state of Anger

Taken from Buddhism Day by Day – that was given to me as a gift from my district on the day I received the Gohonzon. [dropcap]A[/dropcap]NGER is fundamentally an arrogant state of mind. People in the state of anger are attached to the illusory assumption that they are better then others and direct their energy […]

Thought for the day

Religion should not negate rationality

I have been listening to reports recently of how some mainstream religions are feeling marginalised by “militant secularists”. People are refusing to accept religious overtones in any state facilities. I have to agree with the sentiment that religion and state should not be confused. However, when one considers the gross errors in the teachings of […]

Thought for the day

The importance of a spirit of gratitude

It’s easy to blame others for where we are in life, but in truth, only we are responsible for where we are and certainly it is we who are solely responsible for our individual futures. I am so saddened when those around me constantly complain about their condition, particularly when they have the means at […]

Thought for the day

The hardest woods come from trees that grow slowly

When I first became involved in the SGI I formed the opinion that they were not marketing this Buddhism effectively. Marketing is perhaps not the correct terminology, but in essence, I felt they were not “putting this Buddhism out there” as aggressively as they could. My head was full of Shakabuku – or rather my […]

Thought for the day

The correct kind of courage

President Ikeda has said, “Courage is the driving force of our lives”. So, what does he mean by this? To what kind of courage does he refer? The driving force he speaks of is when we stand up, and begin challenging those aspects of our life that are not working for the happiness of ourselves and […]

Thought for the day

What would your children think?

At the end of every day ask yourself – have I done all I can today to make a better future for my children? Would my children respect me for what I have done today? There are days when we all feel tired, and need to rest, but to become habitually lazy and feckless is […]

Thought for the day

Earning respect

Respect cannot be purchased, or achieved through external factors. One can cloth and surround oneself with the trappings of wealth and still be seen a fool. The respect and admiration of others is earned only through striving to connect with people’s hearts, and demonstrating your commitment to improve the lives of those around you.

Thought for the day

Poem for peace and happiness

This is actually an excerpt from SGI President Ikeda’s Poem –  “Peace—The Foundation for Lasting Human Happiness”. I just thought it so beautifully explained the path of peace and happiness. There is a path that birds follow as they fly through the sky. There is a path that fish follow as they swim through the […]