Thought for the day

Religion should not negate rationality

I have been listening to reports recently of how some mainstream religions are feeling marginalised by “militant secularists”. People are refusing to accept religious overtones in any state facilities. I have to agree with the sentiment that religion and state should not be confused. However, when one considers the gross errors in the teachings of […]

Thought for the day

The importance of a spirit of gratitude

It’s easy to blame others for where we are in life, but in truth, only we are responsible for where we are and certainly it is we who are solely responsible for our individual futures. I am so saddened when those around me constantly complain about their condition, particularly when they have the means at […]


Two kinds of faith

In February 1278, The Daishonin wrote a short letter to Nanjo Tokimitsu entitled Two Kinds of Faith. Nanjo Tokimitsu was the steward of Ueno village in Suruga Province. The Daishonin’s relationship with Nanjo Tokimitsu began in 1265 when, upon the death of Nanjo’s father, Nanjo Hyoe Shichiro, the Daishonin had dropped everything to travel from […]

Buddhastate Articles

Revealing Buddhahood by example

The limits of my Buddhist wisdom was demonstrated profoundly to me recently when I learned that my grand-daughter had been born with a large cyst in her brain. It wasn’t clear if she was going to suffer from hydrocephalus, but she had a cyst that was approaching the size of a tennis ball in the […]